Release notes: Oct. 2011
We are happy to announce that the October release of Atomia is the fastest and most responsive Atomia release so far. The performance improvements are the direct result of our ongoing performance project.
Three changes that have proven to have a significant impact on the performance are:
- Execution context/caching of identity tokens implementation and usage
- Improved provisioning of DNS preview zones
- HCP updates with improved listing services
Atomia Hosting Control Panel
- Global performance improvement of HCP.
- Performance improvement of Domain Manager methods
- Performance improvement of Files plugin
- Performance improvement of Email Forwards methods
- Performance improvement of Database plugin methods
- Performance improvement of DNS methods
- Performance improvement of Email Accounts methods
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed problem with not being able to add NAPTR record
- Fixed problem with not being possible to renew large number of domains at once
- Fixed problem with E-mail forwarder and IDN domains
- Fixed Bug in IE7 when changing password for mailbox
Atomia Billing Customer Panel
- Account list does not show inactive accounts anymore
- Upgrade invoices now display setup fee correctly
Atomia Admin Panel
- Credit invoices are now listed in the same way as the usual invoices when Credit link is clicked on the customer card
- It’s now possible to change invoicing method
- Subscriptions now show the full product in the “Product” column
- Edit user page improvements
- Username instead of “E-mail (username)
- Remove “Generate” button, Add “Repeat password” field
- The customer number in Admin -> users -> edit user should be clickable.
- Subscriptions page improvements
- Customer should be clickable on Subscriptions page
- Subscriptions should be searchable by domain names
Bugs fixed:
- When browser is set to en-GB dates are now properly parsed
Public Order Page
- Order page now prevents possibility to order Web hosting package without adding domain name
Bugs fixed:
- Order page now allows emails with IDN chars
- Improved validation message for domains with non-English and non-Swedish characters
Atomia Automation Server
- UCP client closing unexpectedly problem solved
- Security: Possible sql injection point fixed
- Validating key properties (cannot be null)
- New method for finding services by name in account added to Core API
- Delete obsolete methods from NativeAPI
- Add indexes on ord_number and date_time in provisioniong_request table
Bugs fixed:
- MatchingServiceNameLimitPerResource agent can cause never ending request
- Service operations fails to execute for direct provisioning services
- When adding account provisioning description couldn’t be specified
Billing API
New features:
- Added support for SiteBuilder service
- Added API function that lists possible invoice sending methods
- Introduced new mechanism for caching WCF channel tokens
- Created new WCF channel and channel factory managers for improving performances when external APIs are consumed
- Created new implementation of Atomia Account API proxy which uses WCF token and channel factories caching
- Added support for forced downgrade
- Enabled logging into different categories
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed bug with order processing on creating payment when invoice is paid on Public Order Page using Credit Card
- Fixed index IX_item_price on item_price table to ensure that inserted price has valid currency, reseller id, and item or counter id
- Fixed bug with duplicate invoicing for domains after manual domain extension request
- Fixed bug with Execution context when it is used from new thread