CloudCamp Stockholm in retro perspective
Photo: Özgür Bal, www.ozgur.se
I’m back in Västerås again after a whole day of cloud talks in the capital of Sweden.
The concept of CloudCamp, as explained by Mr. Reuven Cohen (Founder & CTO of Enomaly and co-creator of CloudCamp), is to gather interesting people to talk about the cloud over a beer. This might have worked a few years ago, before cloud became the word on everyone’s lips. Today, CloudCamps are organized all around the globe, engaging thousands of people with one common interest. The cloud.
CloudCamp Stockholm 2011 was the first CloudCamp on Swedish soil, it was held during Internetdagarna 2011 (one of the biggest conferences about Internet in Sweden) at Stockholm Waterfront Conference Centre.
I attended two unconferenced talks: Integration and Infrastructure. Some of the most interesting topics/questions during the sessions were:
- How does an organization maintain control over its applications and infrastructure and still keep the benefits and flexibility of letting individuals buy cloud services on-demand.
- Consumers of cloud services are willing to pay for performance and availability, but what about security?
- Do we need better standards for integrating with cloud services?
- How to address problems with latency and availability?
During Mr. Cohen’s keynote he addressed the definition of the word cloud and stated that pretty much anything you put online is to some extent a part of the cloud and that cloud computing is the technology supporting and enabling software to run over the internet and scale as the numbers of users grow.
Mr. Cohen also presented some interesting numbers:
- The are amount of digital data exceeds 487 billion GB
- By 2020 there will be 35 trillion GB of data
- The revenue from public IT cloud services will exceed $55 billion in 2014
- Amazon is expected to make $500 million on their cloud services 2011
- China is building a datacenter that will be 100 square kilometers big and host its own power plant
- The number of public APIs are growing at an exceptional rate and we see more and more applications integrating with eachother. As an example, Mr. Cohen talked about the Netflix API: In 2010 the number of calls to the Netflix API grew by 37 times and more than quadrupled over the last 4 months. In January 2011 the more than 20 billion calls were made to the Netflix API.
I think that the event in whole was successful and this will be one of the “gotos” in the future. I would welcome even more technical oriented talks next year and this is were we in Atomia can contribute to CloudCamp with our insight in the industry. After all, we are working with bleeding edge cloud technology on a daily basis.