Our new logo
The Atomia logo has remained unchanged since our start in 2009, but the product as well as our company has seen a lot of changes since then. Some tweaks were in order.
We’ve been thinking long and hard about how to update our logo. Change for change’s sake is pointless, and there really was no need for a drastic redesign. What you see here is more of a refinement.
In the end, all we ended up doing was removing the period at the end, soften the edges, and give the “i” a round dot instead of a square one. A little nip here, a little tuck there, and here we are:
The change is subtle, with the DNA of our original logo from 2009 still clearly present. We’ve just updated it to fit better with what Atomia is today. The softer, more rounded look fits better with our values; we want Atomia to be a friendly company to deal with. It’s closer to who we are as a team.
Another benefit is that this is an easier logo for our designers work with. Removing the period makes the logo more symmetrical and easier to center in a visually pleasing way. We use a lot of circles in our design language, and the sharp edges of our old logo made it increasingly difficult to blend it with the rest of our visuals. These design considerations were, quite frankly, a driving force behind refining the logo.
Thankfully, since we didn’t go totally nuts and reinvent everything, the new Atomia logo is still clearly recognizable as “us”. We don’t have to sell people on a completely new look. The brand recognition will still be there. We’re guessing only the eagle-eyed will even notice there’s been a change unless exposed to both the new and the old logo side by side.
You’ll see us gradually phase out our old logo over the coming weeks. First up is the homepage, which as you can see already has our shiny, new logo. 😉