Atomia DNS video
@stefanmo created this really awesome video to showcase Atomia DNS. Have a look at it!
For more info one Atomia DNS visit the website.
@stefanmo created this really awesome video to showcase Atomia DNS. Have a look at it!
For more info one Atomia DNS visit the website.
So the pink dudes have completed yet another journey to the USA and one more HostingCon.
We arrived to Boston yesterday evening after a pleasant flight (no irony), even the food was more than acceptable.
On American soil, we quickly headed to the official HostingCon hotel and more or less went directly to bed. Thanks to the jetlag there was no risk of oversleeping, we actually got up around 5…
HostingCon 2012 is just around the corner and we are ready to go!
Follow our journey on twitter or our blog If you are attending this year’s event, make sure to come to booth #632 and say hi. As always, our crew will be easily spotted – wearing pink shirts.
We are really looking forward to meet with the hosting industry!
Read more to find out what’s in the geek’s pack list…
So we made some awesome material for our trip to HostingCon next week. Further more we have managed to secure some carpets and a table for our booth. We are really looking forward to spending some time with the hosting industry. Make sure to check out our brochure.
Hopefully we will meet in Boston, MA.
Click on image to see the full map
In July we and many others will be heading to HostingCon in Boston. Last year we were a huge hit with our pink shirts and amazing product. The connections that were made are still alive and kicking. For this year some things have changed but the pink shirts stay the same (well, we bought new ones...).
Since we have a smaller booth this year we have drawn a map to make sure you find us. We have even provided two route suggestions. Come visit us in booth #632
Last week, we traveled to Florida to meet a few interesting hosting companies in the area.
During our visit, we also had time to enjoy the weather and local cuisines. Our geek hearts
skipped a beat or two when we got to see the office were the first IBM PC (model 5150) was
built back in 1981 under the direction of the now legendary Don Estridge (1937-1985).
We are back in our offices in Sweden and Serbia after a great week at Europa Park in Rust, Germany. Attending this year’s World Hosting Days gave us the chance to meet our partners and clients and to make some great new contacts, too. We took a look at what’s new in the hosting business and held a session about DNSSEC.
Images and more after the break!
On Thursday the 22nd of March, Jimmy Bergman, our Lead Developer and System Architect, will enter the main stage at to talk about our experiences from a large scale DNSSEC deployment.
Don’t miss this opportunity to listen to one of the most respected Domain & DNS specialist from Sweden and learn more about DNSSEC automation/deployment.
Atomia will also have a team of hosting automation experts in place to talk about Atomia Hosting Automation Platform. If you want to know more about our products or discuss hosting automation in general, don’t hesitate to contact us in advance and book a meeting.
How to spot the Atomia crew among thousands of visitors? Just look for the pink shirts!
Photo: Özgür Bal,
I’m back in Västerås again after a whole day of cloud talks in the capital of Sweden.
The concept of CloudCamp, as explained by Mr. Reuven Cohen (Founder & CTO of Enomaly and co-creator of CloudCamp), is to gather interesting people to talk about the cloud over a beer. This might have worked a few years ago, before cloud became the word on everyone’s lips. Today, CloudCamps are organized all around the globe, engaging thousands of people with one common interest. The cloud.
Read more about Sweden’s first CloudCamp after the break.